Database System Concepts (Sixth Edition)

Database System Concepts (Sixth Edition)


  1. Introduction
    1. Database-System Applications
    2. Purpose of Database Systems
    3. View of Data
    4. Database Languages
    5. Relational Databases
    6. Database Design
    7. Data Storage and Querying
    8. Transaction Management
    9. Database Architecture
    10. Data Mining and Information Retrieval
    11. Specialty Databases
    12. Database Users and Administrators
    13. History of Database Systems
  2. Introduction to the Relational Model
    1. Structure of Relational Databases
    2. Database Schema
    3. Keys
    4. Schema Diagrams
    5. Relational Query Languages
    6. Relational Operations
  3. Introduction to SQL
    1. Overview of the SQL Query Language
    2. SQL Data Definition
    3. Basic Structure of SQL Queries
    4. Additional Basic Operations
    5. Set Operations
    6. Null Values
    7. Aggregate Functions
    8. Nested Subqueries
    9. Modification of the Database
  4. Intermediate SQL
    1. Join Expressions
    3. Transactions
    4. Integrity Constraints
    5. SQL Data Types and Schemas
    6. Authorization
  5. Advanced SQL
    1. Accessing SQL From a Programming Language
    2. Functions and Procedures
    3. Triggers
    4. Recursive Queries**
    5. Advanced Aggregation Features**
    6. OLAP**
  6. Formal Relational Query Languages
    1. The Relational Algebra
    2. The Tuple Relational Calculus
    3. The Domain Relational Calculus
  7. Database Design and the E-R Model
    1. Overview of the Design Process
    2. The Entity-Relationship Model
    3. Constraints
    4. Removing Redundant Attributes in Entity Sets
    5. Entity-Relationship Design Issues
    6. Extended E-R Features
    7. Alternative Notations for Modelling Data
    8. Other Aspects of Database Design
  8. Relational Database Design
    1. Features of Good Relational Designs
    2. Atomic Domains and First Normal Form
    3. Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies
    4. Functional-Dependency Theory
    5. Algorithms for Decomposition
    6. Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies
    7. More Normal Forms
    8. Database-Design Process
    9. Modelling Temporal Data
  9. Application Design and Development
    1. Application Programs and User Interfaces
    2. Web Fundamentals
    3. Servlets and JSP
    4. Application Architectures
    5. Rapid Application Development
    6. Application Performance
    7. Application Security
    8. Encryption and Its Applications
  10. Storage and File Structure
    1. Overview of Physical Storage Media
    2. Magnetic Disk and Flash Storage
    3. RAID
    4. Tertiary Storage
    5. File Organisation
    6. Organisation of Records in Files
    7. Data-Dictionary Storage
    8. Database Buffer
  11. Indexing and Hashing
    1. Basic Concepts
    2. Ordered Indices
    3. B+-Tree Index Files
    4. B+-Tree Extensions
    5. Multiple-Key Access
    6. Static Hashing
    7. Dynamic Hashing
    8. Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing
    9. Bitmap Indices
    10. Index Definition in SQL
  12. Query Processing
    1. Overview
    2. Measure of Query Cost
    3. Selection Operation
    4. Sorting
    5. Join Operation
    6. Other Operations
    7. Evaluation of Expressions
  13. Query Optimisation
    1. Overview
    2. Transformation of Relational Expressions
    3. Estimating Statistics of Expression Results
    4. Choice of Evaluation Plans
    5. Materialized View**
    6. Advanced Topics in Query Optimisation**
  14. Transactions
    1. Transaction Concept
    2. A Simple Transaction Model
    3. Storage Structure
    4. Transaction Atomicity and Durability
    5. Transaction Isolation
    6. Serializability
    7. Transaction Isolation and Atomicity
    8. Transaction Isolation Levels
    9. Implementation of Isolation Levels
    10. Transactions as SQL Statements
  15. Concurrency Control
    1. Lock-Based Protocols
    2. Deadlock Handling
    3. Multiple Granularity
    4. Timestamp-Based Protocols
    5. Validation-Based Protocols
    6. Multi-version Schemas
    7. Snapshot Isolation
    8. Insert Operations, Delete Operations, and Predicate Reads
    9. Weak Levels of Consistency in Practice
    10. Concurrency in Index Structures**
  16. Recovery System
    1. Failure Classification
    2. Storage
    3. Recovery and Atomicity
    4. Recovery Algorithm
    5. Buffer Management
    6. Failure with Loss of Non-volatile Storage
    7. Early Lock Release and Logical Undo Operations
    8. ARIES**
    9. Remote Backup Systems
  17. Database-System Architectures
    1. Centralised and Client-Server Architectures
    2. Server System Architectures
    3. Parallel Systems
    4. Distributed Systems
    5. Network Types
  18. Parallel Databases
    1. Introduction
    2. I/O Parallelism
    3. Interquery Parallelism
    4. Intraquery Parallelism
    5. Intraoperation Parallelism
    6. Interoperation Parallelism
    7. Query Optimisation
    8. Design of Parallel Systems
    9. Parallelism on Multicore Processors
  19. Distributed Databases

Last update : May 28, 2023
Created : May 20, 2023